Eurix: Dogecoin faucet

Just yet another Faucet in a Box :)

Balance: 444.4 DOGE

10 (77.7%), 40 (21.3%), 120 (0.9%) DOGE every 1440 minutes.

Step 1. Enter address to receive DOGE

What is this?

This is free DOGECOIN faucet. More about DOGECOIN:
Your passive income:
1) Download and install your DOGECOIN wallet:
2) Use site you seeing now ( )
to get free DOGECOIN:
 a) copy your dogecoin address from your wallet (i.e. it looks like 
DGoFkhN1HCdzedbFkyJ6dZ1S4WdW2EwQb5) in "Your address" field. 
It always begins with D letter and contains 34 letters.
 b) Solve a CAPTCHA
 c) Press Get Reward button
3) Wait for withdrawal of collected dogecoins and  
   use currency exchange
4) Play provably fair dice game to multiply your coins: 
5) Copy the following link with your dogecoin address 
 and share it to create your passive income:[Replace_It_With_Your_Address]

You will earn 10% for each refferral. 6) It would be great to see your public feedback everywhere with reflinks.


Donate DOGECOIN: DNESw6LEdoummtRo5opbStfNwe4Civt74v

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